Organize Your Home to Support Neurodivergent Needs

In the constant pursuit to help improve people's lives by designing beautiful and organized homes, it’s become clear how impactful intentional organizing can be for parents of Autistic children, ADHD adults and other neurodivergent individuals. I believe everyone can benefit from a space that’s designed well but it’s been especially fulfilling being able to support those who’s experience in life can be impacted immediately by implementing systems customized to them.

In this pursuit to learn more, I reached out to Julie Russell, Executive Director at the Brooklyn Autism Center school. Julie has worked at this impressive school for 11 years and overseas everything from staff, protocols, policies, safety, students and facilities. And was also a clinical director before taking on this role.

I was honored to receive such generosity, when she accepted my request to talk and really took the time to educate me. She initially affirmed a lot of my ideas and tactics we’ve used when approaching our designs, but was so patient to answer questions and provide so many other considerations that the Brooklyn Autism Center implements with their students.

Read my top 5 considerations in full post. 

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Sarah DeGrim
Spring Clean the Stress Out of Your Life

As the buds of spring begin to bloom and the chill of winter fades away, there's a palpable sense of renewal in the air. It's a time of natural transformation, a time to shed the weight of our winter coats both literally and metaphorically. Spring is the perfect season to embark on the journey of decluttering and organizing our homes, not just for the sake of cleanliness, but for the sake of our mental well-being.

As a professional home organizer here in NYC, I've seen firsthand the transformative power of decluttering and organizing. It's not just about making your home look aesthetically pleasing, it's about creating a sanctuary where you can truly thrive.

The Stress-Reducing Magic of Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning isn't just about tidying up; it's about reclaiming control over your environment and, in turn, your life. Clutter has a way of creeping into every corner of our homes, weighing us down both physically and mentally. By taking the time to declutter and organize, you're not just clearing out physical space, you're clearing out mental space as well.

According to WedMD, implementing organizational systems in your home reduces the number of obstacles and decisions one must make, directly impacting the success of routines and reduction of stress. When your home is organized, you're less likely to feel overwhelmed by the chaos around you. This newfound sense of order can lead to a myriad of benefits, including:

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Sarah DeGrim
Gain Ultimate Control of Your Home Through Organization

As a professional home organizer in New York City, I've had the privilege of helping numerous clients transform their living spaces. One hurdle some clients have to conquer is the fear of losing control by letting someone else organize their home. In reality, entrusting the process to a professional can lead to newfound freedom and a sense of empowerment. Let's explore the benefits of enlisting a professional organizer and how it can result in you having the ultimate control over your daily life.

Trusting the Process

We Never Judge

Time, Energy, and Everyday Control

Remember, letting go of control in this context doesn't signify surrender; it’s a powerful beginning to a liberated and balanced lifestyle.

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Sarah DeGrim
An Investment in Your Relationship Worth Making

This month is all about feeling the love. Whether you’re someone who buys into the Valentine’s Day holiday or not. - It’s never a bad time to focus on your relationship.

According to a study performed by Science of People, three issues couples fight about most are:

1. Free Time

2. Housework

3. Physical Intimacy

Good news; organizing your home can actually ease the pain around all three of these issues.

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Sarah DeGrim
The Power of Organization: Enhancing Children's Mental Well-being through an Organized Home

As a professional organizer in the bustling city of New York, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative impact of an organized home on individuals' lives. In particular, I want to shed light on how an organized home positively affects children and their mental well-being. Children thrive in an environment that promotes order, simplicity, and a sense of calm.

Now, please remember that I’m a mom of two young boys who’s favorite activity is to create chaos in our home; however I have witnessed the effects of an organized home and organized bedroom on them. I’ve watched two very different children with very different personalities and habits consistently be able to “independently” clean up there own room and have told me how much they love that their toys and clothes have very specific homes.

In this blog post, we'll explore the numerous benefits that an organized home can bring to children's overall happiness and development.

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Sarah DeGrim
Why Home Organization is the Ultimate Form of Self Care

In today's fast-paced world, self-care has become an essential aspect of maintaining our overall well-being. While many associate self-care with spa days, exercise, or indulging in our favorite treats, one often overlooked form of self-care is having an organized home. Yes, you heard it right—home organization is a powerful act of self-care.

Think about it. When our homes are cluttered and disorganized, it can create a constant source of stress and overwhelm. We waste precious time searching for lost items, struggle to focus on tasks, and feel a constant nagging sensation that our lives are in disarray. However, when we experience clear countertops, organized drawers, a home filled with the things we need, use and love, our living spaces become an environment that supports and nurtures our well-being. Not to mention free’s up the time to focus on all those other acts of self-care.

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Sarah DeGrim
My #1 Resolution Moving into 2023

The Power of Asking For Help

As we head into 2023, and we've had some time to reflect on all things that happened including successes and stumbles, I find myself more than ready to take the positive and leave any negatives behind.

Looking forward; I have one resolution that seems to apply to all aspects of my life. Advice I'm always offering to clients, family and friends but I still struggle to practice. And it's as much accepting that instead of only adding more to our plate, we need to find ways to take some things off, because unfortunately our plate isn't getting bigger.

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Sarah DeGrim
Why Get Organized Now?

Your time, your relationships, your mental health, your spouse, your kids, your career, your hobbies?

When I work with clients, one of the first things I ask is WHY? What has inspired you to seek help getting your home organized now? Sometimes the why is a life event such as creating space for a new baby, moving or creating a home office; but 90% of the time it’s that clients are overwhelmed with the day to day maintenance of their homes.

As a business owner, wife and mom of two active boys (5 and 6). I understand the struggle of “juggling all life’s responsibilities”. I understand the stress of managing a business, along with the endless commitments to friends, family, In-laws, not to mention finding time for myself and my own hobbies.

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Sarah DeGrim
Welcome to the No Judgement Zone

I can’t remember the last time I worked with a client that didn’t start with an apology about their home “being a mess” or I wasn’t in some way asked if their home was “the worst I’ve seen.”

I started this company because I know how hard it can be to keep a home looking “perfect” while also trying to live in it. A messy home doesn’t mean that you are lazy or don’t have your shit together, it usually means that you don’t have the TOOLS to keep it free of mess, clutter, or whatever else it may be. The good news is that I chose to start a company solely focused on giving clients these, and then trusted to make it better. When I walk into a client’s home, I immediately start thinking, “how do we make this work better for the people living here?”

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Sarah DeGrimComment
Top 6 Tips For Organizing A Kitchen

Kitchens are truly the heart of the home, whether you are a cook or like to gather with friends and family. Because so much time is spent there, it’s important to create an efficient space that fits your lifestyle. Every kitchen and person/ family is unique; however, organizing a kitchen can be as simple as putting the right things in the right places. Here are a few tips anyone can use to get started.

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Sarah DeGrimStylish Spaces